November and December 2023 Class List
October 23, 2023
Join us at the UF/IFAS Brevard Extension office for some fun learning experiences! Make sure to follow us on Eventbrite to be notified by email whenever we post a new class: https://brevardextension.eventbrite.com Florida Seafood at Your Fingertips October ... READ MORE
Category: EventsTags: Bycatch Reduction Devices, Canning, Charcuterie, Charcuterie Board, Cooking, Crab Traps, Dehydrating, Fishing, Florida Friendly, Food, Food Preservation, Food Safety, Freezing, Horses, Livestock, My Brevard Yard, MyBrevardYard, Pasture Management, Poultry, Pressure Canning, Seafood, Site Visits, Soil Improvement, Urban Farming