Health Equity is a ringing topic in Bradford County. Often IFAS (Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences) Extension and other organizations provide workshops and support that although target the community seem to get less traction from those who could benefit more. Barriers such as transportation, budget, hours that individuals work, and lack of childcare inhibit families from taking advantage of activities that are beneficial to setting up and supporting a healthy lifestyle. In a recent survey Bradford residents indicated nutrition & wellness, educational and mental health as top priorities.
Community organizations want to address those barriers that inhibit the best health in the community. Families need a community where members have access to resources within reach. The Health and Wellness Hub is a collaboration of community partners that bring their resources to the community. This is the first of more Hubs to come found in a neighborhood affected by disparities. RJE, a community center will house the Health and Wellness hub where organizations such as Bradford County Extension can bring educational programs, Meridian can supply mental health support and Farm Share will feed the community are just a few of the resources the Hub will host. The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Open House will Launch January 24 and will be hosted by Concerned Citizens of Bradford County and Bradford County Faith Community. The Resource hub is a concept to bring resources to the people instead of the people going to the resource.