71st Annual University of Florida Beef Cattle Short Course to be Hosted In Person

Breeding the Florida Herd for Quality 

The 71st Annual Beef Cattle Short Course will return to the traditional, full-blown and in-person event this year, May 4 – 6th. We will resume the pre-pandemic format, starting Wednesday after lunch (1:00 PM) and adjourning Friday at noon.

The Short Course this year will have a double focus: female reproduction and traceability. The program includes lectures with influential external speakers and the outstanding UF faculty, short presentation of research updates, hands-on activities and social gatherings with delicious food.

The agenda is pictured below. Hope to see you in person after three years. Click here to register now: https://tinyurl.com/71BCSC.

BCSC Agenda
BCSC Agenda

Parallel to the main program, the Department of Animal Sciences will offer the UF Brahman Bull and Heifer Sale, including on-site viewing of animals. The sale will kick off May 4th and end at 6 pm Friday, May 6th. Click below for details:

2022 Bull & Heifer Sale
2022 Bull & Heifer Sale

Overall, we are looking forward to greeting you in-person, shaking your hand and delivering fresh, science-based information to you. Please visit the UF/IFAS Department of Animal Sciences website for more information regarding details and registration at https://animal.ifas.ufl.edu/events/beef-cattle-short-course/.

Supporting extension programing is one of the many goals of the UF/IFAS ANS Department. Any questions should be directed to Shelby O. Thomas at 352-392-1916 or soesterreicher@ufl.edu. For more information about the UF/IFAS Department of Animal Sciences, please visit https://animal.ifas.ufl.edu/. Be sure to follow us on social @UF_ANSCI.


Posted: March 18, 2022

Category: Agriculture, , Events, Farm Management, Livestock, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Research
Tags: Animal Behavior, Animal Management, Animal Research, Animal Science, Beef Cattle, Livestock, Livestock Productivity, Livestock Sale, UF Animal Science