Is Organic Certification for you?

Many growers have adopted organic practices or are considering transitioning into organic agriculture. But does that mean that they should pursue an organic certification?

This is a fairly common mind puzzler that growers growing organically face nowadays. We have planned a program with a series of activities that will help you find out where you are in the process and perhaps help you make that decision. We will not be focusing on organic practices; we will focus on explaining from a grower’s perspective, the process to become certified and what are the challenges and opportunities you can find along this process.

We have also invited an experienced local organic grower, Mr. Charlie Andrews who will spend some time with describing his experience and answering multiple inquiries other producers may have.

Please join us on Wednesday, November 8th at the UF/IFAS Extension Alachua County from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Register ASAP through Eventbrite.


Posted: November 2, 2017

Category: Agriculture, Horticulture, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: FarmingAlachua

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