The University of Florida and IFAS Extension will be hosting a three part workshop series on pond health this Fall at the Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants (click here for map).
See below for a list of dates, times and topics.
September 21st, 6:30-8:00p: Dr. Charles Cichra will provide information on general fish pond management including construction, species selection and stocking rates/times, harvesting, and management options. Dr. Kevin Korus will cover calculating the area and volume of your pond (information that is needed for stocking purposes, water quality management, aquatic weed control, and fish health treatments).

October 17th: Dr. Ruth Francis-Floyd and Dr. Kevin Korus will present on fish health and water quality including common fish diseases/parasites and their management, water quality (dissolved oxygen, pH, alkalinity, etc.) testing and management. Attendees of this workshop are encouraged to bring water samples from their ponds in clean sealable glass jars or any other appropriate container. Water quality testing will be conducted during the program and results delivered at the end.

November 14th: Dr. Stephen Enloe will discuss aquatic weed management including identification of common aquatic plants and control methods. Dr. Kevin Korus will discuss selecting desirable plants for your pond. A large variety of live aquatic plants will be on display and used as part of this program. Attendees should bring live samples of their problem plants for identification and discussion of management strategies.