Did You Celebrate Dine In Day?

Dine In Day

Earlier this month, on Sunday, December 3rd, was national Dine In Day. Many people may have observed it unbeknownst to them simply because they don’t know what it was. There are three parts of celebrating Dine In Day. The first one is clear because it’s in the name: enjoy a meal at home instead of on the go or out at a restaurant. The other part is that the meal is made at home (no take out or delivery!) and is also healthy. For people who have thought about trying a particular healthy recipe but have yet to make it, Dine In Day is a fun opportunity to give that new recipe a try and see how it comes out. The third part is to eat surrounded by family, as Dine In Day is meant to help spread the message about the importance of eating home-made meals together as a family at home. Cooking meals at home also teaches kids about important life skills, such as meal prepping, planning, time management, and budgeting. When families sit down together to eat a healthy meal, it improves nutrition and family interaction, and creates family traditions (Martinko, 2016).

Now that Dine In Day has been explained, do you know if you ended up observing it last Sunday? If not, you don’t have to wait until next December 3rd. Make healthy family meals as part of your family’s nightly routine, and make every day Dine In Day. It can strengthen family bonds while improving eating habits.


Shari Bresin, Family and Consumer Sciences Agent for Pasco County Extension
Posted: December 20, 2017

Category: Health & Nutrition, Relationships & Family
Tags: December 3, Dine In Day, Family, Healthy, Meals, Sit Down

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