Doug Mayo, Jackson County Extension Director & Dr. Jay Ferrell, UF/IFAS Extension Weed Specialist
From time to time people ask, “What is the cheapest way to control weeds in pastures?” A healthy, vigorous pasture grass will choke out most weeds that try to get established. Even so, the very best pasture managers have to deal with weeds of some sort because Florida’s climate provides an ideal habitat for weed establishment and growth. Typically weeds develop a stronghold in weak areas of pastures such as feeding zones, around water troughs, high traffic areas, and loafing areas around shade. Once weeds begin to establish, even in small areas, they start spreading and building a seed bank waiting for an opportunity to compete with forage grasses. There is a low cost method that can be used to control weeds early on before they spread called “spot treatment.”
Spot treatment of weeds can be as simple as using a broadcast sprayer that is turned on and off to only spray the parts of pastures with weed issues and not over clean areas. More commonly though, this phrase is used to refer to individual plant treatment. Depending on the weeds to be controlled and their stage of maturity, costs for a total pasture broadcast herbicide treatment can range from $5-24 per acre for the chemical alone. However, if you jump on a problem area early, individual plants can be controlled and the cost of herbicide will be significantly reduced because you only apply the chemical on the targeted weeds.
In general, spot treatment will require considerably more labor than a broadcast treatment. There is a trade-off, as a manager you have decide which resources are more precious, your time or your money. It really depends on the level of infestation as to which method is most efficient. If you jump on a weed problem early enough, spot treatment will be less expensive and not too overwhelming. Seldom does a single broadcast treatment remove weeds completely, so spot treatment can be be used as a follow up treatment to prevent infestations from reoccurring.
There are some key things to know before you get started with spot treatment. Just as with broadcast treatments, the first step is to identify the most problematic weeds to be controlled. Weed identification can be challenging, especially since people use different common names for the same weeds: spiny pigweed or careless weed, sida or teaweed or ironweed. Weed identification is something your County Extension Agent can assist with. Nobody can remember the names of all of the weeds in Florida, but the University of Florida has a network of specialists and a herbarium that can assist with positive plant identification. Once you know the specific weeds to be controlled, effective herbicides can be selected. Dr. Jay Ferrell and Dr. Brent Sellers have an annually updated weed control guide for pastures with a herbicide ratings chart for the more common weeds: Weed Management in Pastures and Rangeland. This is a great resource for herbicide selection, once you know which weeds you are targeting.
Most herbicide labels have very clear explanations for their use as broadcast treatments. Typically they even provide lists of common weeds and a recommended rate to apply per acre. Spot treatment recommendations on specific product labels vary considerably. If you are not treating acres at a time, the simplest method to use is a spray solution on a percentage basis. The mixing chart below provides a basic summary of how much herbicide and surfactant should be added per volume of water. There is a more complete chart available in: Chemical Weed and Brush Control on Rangeland, but you will have to convert to get the CC’s for the correct amounts.

One technique that can be very helpful is instead of working with fractions of ounces, tablespoons, or teaspoons is to convert the recommended herbicide concentrate into cubic centimeters (CC). This is especially true for mixing small quantities of spray solution, because you can use plastic disposable syringes to get the precise amount of herbicide concentrate needed.
There are a number of options for the type of equipment to use for single plant or spot treatment. Certainly, one to two gallon pump-up sprayers are the cheapest options. The constant need to stop and pump, the limited capacity, and carrying the free swinging weight, however, gets old fast. A better option is a backpack sprayer, because they are much easier to carry and can be pumped as you walk to keep the pressure fairly stable. Three gallon backpack sprayers are ideal for most people, but larger units are available. Just remember that a five gallon sprayer completely filled will weigh more than 50 pounds and will be heavy and awkward to carry around pastures. Padded straps are also very important feature for these types of sprayers. A more convenient option is a 10-25 gallon electric sprayer that can be connected to the electrical system of a pickup truck, tractor, 4-wheeler, golf cart, or off-road utility vehicle. If you already own an agricultural sprayer for your tractor, the cheapest option may be to simply purchase a sprayer wand attachment made for your specific unit.
Whichever type of equipment you choose, beware of bargain sprayers. The plastic spray wands break and the seals on the tanks go bad over time. Instead, choose brands that offer replacement parts. Sprayer wands made of brass or metal cost more, but will hold up longer with regular use. Mail-order supply companies like Gempler’s carry a wide range of sprayers for spot treatment, and even carry the replacement parts if you don’t have a sprayer equipment dealer nearby. Like other farm equipment, you generally get what you pay for.
Once you have your equipment there are a few other things to keep in mind. Spray individual plants until they are wet and stop. Hosing plants down can actually reduce weed control. At high rates the active ingredients can burn the leaves to the point that it actually reduces herbicide uptake. The goal is to evenly cover the leaves with a light, fine spray or mist and move on. If you are spraying large brush or small trees, make sure you spray the entire canopy of the plant. Otherwise you may on only defoliate part of the plant and not get a complete kill.
Surfactants are just as important for spot treatment as with broadcast spraying. Dishwashing detergent, diesel fuel, alcohol or some other cocktail will not work like a commercial surfactant. Surfactants are made specifically to mix well with herbicides in the tank and help spray droplets dry in place on the leaf of the weeds. If the chemical rolls off the leaves onto the ground before it dries, it won’t be effective. Read the herbicide label and follow the instructions provided for that particular product. Most pasture herbicides recommend a 0.25% solution of a non-ionic surfactant. (See mixing chart above)

Individual plant treatments are challenging, because weeds tend to be scattered and clumped in pastures. It is not efficient to walk or drive in straight lines, so you jump from plant to plant or clump to clump. Adding a blue or purple dye to your spray mix can really help to know where you have already sprayed. Even with the dye you are going to miss some plants, so be prepared for a follow up treatment a few weeks later to hit the weeds you missed. Don’t judge the results of your treatment too quickly. It is pretty likely that there will be surviving plants that were either completely missed or inadequately sprayed on the first attempt.
Another common mistake is mixing too much spray solution. Start off conservatively until you figure out how long it takes to spray three, five, or ten gallons, before mixing up a full tank. Most herbicides degrade over time in water. Start with a clean tank, spray out the mix completely, and clean the tank out again before storage. The sprayer seals and pumps will last a lot longer if they are stored clean and dry. Develop a routine to only mix what you need, and then clean out the tank when you are done.
Just as with any type of chemical application, you need to follow the safety instructions on the product label. With a spray wand you are much more likely to be exposed to spray drift. Most herbicide labels call for a minimum of long pants, long sleeves, and chemical resistant gloves. Hats and eye protection are always a good idea as well. Take steps to reduce exposure, and then wash up and put on clean clothes as soon after application as possible.
Like most every other operation on a farm or ranch, spot treatments take some practice to develop the system that fits your schedule and equipment. Investing in the right equipment will make this job easier. The ultimate goal of using the spot treatment approach is to prevent major weed infestations before they rob water and nutrients from forages in your pastures, and of course do it with as low a cost as possible.
May 23, 2024
I want to know about upcoming events.
September 8, 2021
Hey. Cuz. ,!,, I’m the son of. Earl. He’s the son of. Clyde. His mother was. Lillie. Cross. Over. In. Gretna. Bro Ed. Ted & Jack. Farm. On. ! Johnny D. Conrad!,,
April 23, 2021
Yes. Satsumas are naturally alternate bearing trees with a large crop one year and a reduced crop the next. With adequate fertilization, the trees produce more uniform crops. The tree will also drop off fruit to compensate for poor fertility. The goal is to provide nutrition just prior to flowering, after fruit development, and again after the fruit begins to fill. So, the goal is to ensure the tree has adequate nutrition in the spring and early summer.
April 22, 2021
Hello you all its your old friend Greg Mc Innis from Louisiana. I see that the peanut farming worked out for you all. Im very happy for you all. You look like a farmer... Were is Loyd at? And how is he? Tell him i said hello. You all are looking good for your age. Here's my # 985 817 0890 please call me. Truley Greg....
April 19, 2021
what about the yield of the Satsuma Tree which is given fertilizer is it getting better?
January 13, 2021
I have seen sonic mole repellent stakes for sale online, but am not sure how well they work on pocket gophers? I have not seen any research for using these devices on moles either. One issue that I would see with this type of repellent is that pocket gophers have a long series of tunnels that can be modified, abandoned or closed off.
January 11, 2021
Are their sonic pocket gopher repulsive tools
December 22, 2020
Thank You Sally. I appreciate that.
December 20, 2020
Congratulations to all of this year's Awardees, would be Awardees and to those that tirelessly work behind their scenes. And I give a special thanks to those that work with and help guide them and our county to perform so well. That includes you, Doug!
September 11, 2020
Hi Kristy, If you suspect your shrubs of having bacterial galls, I would recommend that you cut the affected branches back below the location of the galls (maybe an inch or so below). As for your other questions, I suggest you contact your local Extension Office. Here's a link to a map of Extension Office throughout the state. https://sfyl.ifas.ufl.edu/find-your-local-office/ Your local office will also be able to help you with identification of the galls. Matt
September 11, 2020
As you mentioned, when buying a bull, it is important to know what you want from the bull. My brother is wanting to start his own herd, and needs a bull to breed and start the direction of the breed for his herd. I will have to share this article with him, and see if it helps him select the right one for him.
September 3, 2020
Thanks for explaining how having cattle can produce more income that you can then use to reduce your interest load on your farm. I think a lot of new farmers ignore this and mainly stick to crops at first. I'll tell my brother to do the opposite and to invest in cattle as soon as possible after he buys the farmland he wants.
August 24, 2020
Hello, I have 3 Loropetalum and 2 ligustrum that have either phytoplasmus Or pseudomonas savastanoi they are both around 7 years old and I am trying really hard to save them. I also have 2 sapling loquats that are still in a pot that are showing signs of leaf curl and the leaves are stunted in growth. I have heard that using antibiotics help and using prevention after for prevention of them getting it again. I think my oak trees have the phytoplasmus because a few of my 15 trees have what they call witches broom growth. They tower over my 3 acre property. I am fairly new to all of this and considered myself a casual gardener until my shrubs started getting sick. I would like to eventually have a food forest but I would like to understand and get this disease under control before I subject more plants. Can you please help. Zone 9a
July 29, 2020
Thank you for this video, Larry. Not surprised that you have used your time so well to help others. I appreciate the Master Gardner program. I call Carl for help often. During this virus, we Emil each other. From your post, there seems to be more l can reap/harvest from your program and l will. Congratulation; You are a star. Barbara and Wayne
July 29, 2020
Very nice video, with great information! I especially appreciated the idea of combining edibles (herbs) with ornamental plants. The result is an attractive and appealing planting, which is also functional. Great job, Muriel!
July 29, 2020
Very nice video, with interesting information. I especially appreciated the idea of combining edibles, such as herbs, with ornamental plants. It is more attractive and appealing, while being functional. Great job, Muriel!
July 28, 2020
Great job Muriel
March 2, 2020
Contact your local County Extension Office and talk to the Agriculture Agent. In Florida we also have county foresters, but I am not sure about Minnesota? Your local Agent would know.
February 27, 2020
My dad owns a portion of land in the forest where he grows trees for timbers. He's planning to sell them off this month, and I think you're right, he should seek help fro a professional Forster first because as you've mentioned they consist all of the right equipment and expertise. I wonder where we can find a forestry consulting service here in Minnesota.
January 6, 2020
Just like your washer, your dryer is another essential appliance that helps you save so much time each week. Your dryer works hard every time you turn it on which is why some parts might need to be replaced every now and then. When this is the case, remember to always call a trained professional rather than attempting risky DIY repairs.
September 23, 2019
The dried material is toxic, but is of less risk than the fresh materials. Here is a UT publication to view: https://extension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/W135.pdf This is a direct quote from that publication: "All plant parts are toxic, especially the flowering structures. Dried plants in hay can be toxic, but the greatest risk is associated with consumption of fresh plant material, especially if flowers and fruit are present."
September 23, 2019
Thanks Carl. I fixed it, but even after folks leave their name remains on the articles. They were the author.
September 22, 2019
If I mow Perilla Mint how long do I need to leave cattle off of the pasture. If mowed does it still have toxicity and if so how long. Thanks Henry Smith
September 13, 2019
Hi Doug, I notice that Matt Lollar is still on the Jackson County Blog page as Hort agent and Stephanie Herzog is not listed as FCS agent, although several articles on the blog are authored by her. Perhaps these corrections could be made. - Carl Strohmenger
July 2, 2019
hanks for sharing this great post. I always ask for warranty and return policy for the product.
January 23, 2019
Hi Lyla, I'm thrilled you are interested in horticulture! You are not limited. This area of agriculture has a variety of career paths to choose from! One can choose to work in production such as operating a greenhouse, landscaping service, vegetable farming, or orchard production. Others may choose landscape design and maintenance, or marketing of horticultural products. Then you have applied research to help further our knowledge of plants and pests, teaching, crop inspection, and many more fields. There is a continuous growing demand of horticulture services. However, increasing agriculture mechanization and efficiency of managing a farm means that there will probably be less need for workers to complete tasks that machines can do. Do not let that discourage you from majoring in horticulture. As far as jobs in Jackson County, I am not 100% sure. Hurricane Michael caused very significant damage to many businesses. Only time will tell how those businesses faired. I hope my answer was helpful! Please ask anymore questions that come to mind or stop by the UF/IFAS Jackson County Extension office on 2741 Penn. Ave. You can reach us at 850-482-9620.
January 6, 2019
Hello! My name is Lyla and I was wondering what the outlook is for horticulture jobs in Jackson county within the next few years. I currently go to USF, however they do not offer horticulture options and was planning on transferring eventually. Just wondering what types of horticulture jobs may be up and coming? Thank you so much!!
December 20, 2018
Thank you for telling me the original link of this article, I will write on my blog https://www.elysetiawan.com along with the original reference source
December 13, 2018
Hi Karen, UF/IFAS has research planned to grow hemp in spring 2019 with a possible field day in the fall.
December 13, 2018
Welcome: The farm Bill is about to pass which means Hemp will become legal to grow. Hemp is a huge cash crop and from what I have been reading not hard to grow. Can you have a class on growing hemp?
November 7, 2018
Places for people to reach out for Equine and small AG assistance for hay and feed https://www.facebook.com/Rainbows-Edge-Equine-Transition-Center-468282946631310/ we are located at the Jefferson County AG Extension facility. https://www.facebook.com/groups/EastCoastEquineEvacuation/ supply located at Jefferson County AG Extension and also South Port,https://www.facebook.com/groups/363664037400458/ Supplies located at Jefferson County AG Extension Facility. We still have volunteers running donated supplies to those effected by the Hurricane.
November 2, 2018
As Warren's Sign Language Interpreter for several year, I can vouch for how special he truly is. Love u Warren
September 12, 2018
Hi Barbara. Yes, digging the infected plants up and sterilizing your tools is the best protocol to help prevent the spread of the disease.
August 3, 2018
If I just dig them up and use bleach on the pruning tool and shovel will this benprotwction for my other plants
August 1, 2018
I need to identify a mature ficus. I'm not sure which type it is because the leaves are very similar. Can someone help? Tony Smith
May 15, 2018
This chart is a product of the USDA Research Center in Nebraska. I doubt they would have an issue with translation, but it is not mine to provide approval. Here is the link to the original publications with the authors contact information included: http://articles.extension.org/pages/74611/2017-across-breed-epd-table-improvements
May 4, 2018
wow good info, Can I translate in Indonesian? and I uploaded it on my blog ?
February 22, 2018
Thanks for sharing this great post. I always ask for warranty and return policy for the product.
September 8, 2016
Matt, I have a redbud tree that developed big nodules on the trunk. Do you have any idea what would cause this.?
September 3, 2016
Mr. Mayo: Would you give me a call when you have a minute. Thank you, Robert Turner The County Record Blountstown, FL
August 22, 2016
With cattle pens there is nothing that can't be customized, but the "Bud Box" design is based around cattle movement around the handler. I think what you describe could work, if the double alley connected to a corner of the pen, rather than a funnel in the center. The basic concept is that instead of allowing cattle to move forward by themselves, the handler only loads the pen with the number the alley can hold, and controls their flow into the double alley standing in the pen with them. The handler serves as the sweep tub.
August 17, 2016
Is it possible building a Bud Box coming up from behind the double alley instead of from the side?
July 26, 2016
Thank you. We appreciate your help very much.
July 25, 2016
Perilla mint can be controlled with several common herbicides, labeled for pasture use. GrazonNext, Milestone, and Weedmaster will provide good control of Perilla Mint. None of these products have grazing restrictions, so technically you can treat with the animals in the pasture. There are haying restrictions of 7 days for GrazonNext and Milestone, and 37 days for weedmaster. The labels do not mention dogs and cats. I would suggest keeping all animals out of a pasture the day the herbicide is applied, but once it has dried, there should not be a problem.
July 25, 2016
This mint weed has taken over our pasture. Please recommend a poison that will kill it but safe for goats, dogs, cats. Thank you for your help. Sent from my iPadThis knot weed has taken over our pastures.
June 24, 2016
The skin to repare her face came from his rear end... Mother-in-law kisses that skin...
June 24, 2016
OK, I do not get the joke....
May 23, 2016
Enjoyed the article. Herbicides by all forms of positive
May 9, 2016
Good one. I can use these in school visits.
May 7, 2016
I like that one too. Thanks
May 6, 2016
What do you call a cow with two legs? Lean beef !
April 24, 2016
Mr. Mayo, Enjoyed the article. When spraying hard to kill invasive weeds (cogon grass) or briars, I generally have better luck with an MSO than a non-ionic. I was glad to see the line about the homemade surfactants. Sometimes technology really does work better and this is one of those cases. Sam Lincoln Pasture Solutions LLC Milton, FL
April 23, 2016
I agree. You may kill out some spots, but won't lose the whole stand.
April 22, 2016
Mr. Mayo , Nice article. Thanks I plan to try this approach in my clover pastures. Maybe I can save part of my stand of clover and kill some weeds. Thanks again, Tim Tucker Uriah AL
March 28, 2016
I've seen it for sale at the various big garden centers, as well as online and small nurseries. I'd check with local nurseries in your area to determine if they can get it in with their next supply of plants.
March 24, 2016
Where can I find this for purchase?
March 7, 2016
Never underestimated people ability.
January 25, 2016
That was a good one Doug!
January 9, 2016
25" on the south side of Lake Iamonia....
January 9, 2016
Could this be an even better system for spring calving cows since their nutritional needs are lower during this time? Sounds like these cows were in good shape going in (since they "lost weight, but maintained 5-6 body condition scores"). Would spring calvers might be able to start thinner or live on lesser quality grass? Also could be a gap filler before the winter grazing we always plan to come by Thanksgiving but frequently isn'ready until New Year's, arrives.
June 29, 2015
I am glad you enjoyed it. Quite a teachable moment.
June 26, 2015
mr. mayo., i must say that is a very very bright story. good laugh and good results. wonderful. sue wiley
June 22, 2015
Todd Dailey, a Facebook follower from Ocala shared the link to the Jerry Clower audio version of this classic story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Gmw6j6eCCY
October 31, 2014
Do you have data for the current year? I heard that for the current year the price decreased tendency ceased and that prices stabilized and I some cases start to increased.
July 25, 2014
Sure. It was a great event, and I know the Cattlemen would like to share the success of their event.
July 25, 2014
Hey Doug, Can I reprint the article on Jackson County Cattlemen's Tour in The Florida Cattleman & Livestock Journal? Could you email the article and photos to me? Thanks, Barbara
May 15, 2014
It is USDA that surveys a random sample of farmers from each county. They do this annually, but not necessarily with the same farmers each time. Typically farm leases are for more than one year at a time, but a single may have multiple farms they lease. These leases are typically negotiated between the farmer and landowner, so having an third party determine averages for the area can be a good starting point for negotiations.
May 15, 2014
It's pretty cool to see how much the prices vary per location. Question for you, how often do farmers need to survey their land? Does it need to happen every few years, every time the lease changes hands? Thanks! Sophia Liam | http://www.asam1.com/asamservices.html
April 21, 2014
Pensacola is the cheapest bahiagrass seed on the market. Tifton 9 is an improved Pensacola type, but it is almost impossible to get certified Tifton 9 seed anymore. There are so many acres of Tifton 9 out there now that the price is not that much more for Tifton 9. Argentine is always higher than Pensacola, because there are simply fewer seed heads and fewer pounds of seed harvested per acre. Riata and TifQuik are patented cultivars still, with limited seed available that you must buy directly from the company that owns the rights to the cultivar. If price is a key factor in seed purchase, I would suggest Tifton 9 since it is an improved cultivar that is widely availabe from a number of seed suppliers.
April 18, 2014
Can you comment on the price of the various alternatives? Specifically the difference between the Pensacola and the Tifton would be of interest. I just ordered and paid for a bag of Tifton 9 and was delivered a bag of Pensacola.
December 16, 2013
This article deals with vaccinations for serious horse diseases. I don't know of any other alternatives to prevent these diseases. There are natural, old school treatments for pests, such as crop rotation and cultivation. Commercial farming depends on thoroughly tested, specialized chemicals for pest control, because they offer the most consistent control for the money spent. You don't always have to use chemicals, but there are many troublesome pests that very difficult to manage without them.
December 14, 2013
Why isn't more emphasis placed on "natural" remedies to weeds, weed seeds and pests? I've been researching steam sterilization of soils because I personally have an allergic predisposition to chemical concoctions and avoid inhalation, ingestion or physical contact with ANY chemical treatment. There are perfectly viable and natural alternatives to chemicals.
September 7, 2013
Nice article. I always said when you shipped cattle out west it was like some of them blew out of trailer on the way. However I did like you chart and info detailing what I thought. Please keep my old pal Herman out of trouble. Take care and again nice article. Tim Tucker Uriah AL
August 24, 2013
What were the land values prior to 2004, the year of major hurricanes and land values 2005-2009? My thinking is that in those 5 years values increased and now we are seeing values returning to previous average values.
August 15, 2013
The best advice I can give you is to visit your local USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA), and talk to their loan agent. There are special funds for New and Beginning Farmers, but I think mostly they are low interest loans.
August 13, 2013
Need a small 10 ac. farm to grow produce and to raise rabbits for meat ? Need an Agriculture grant to help in purchase of said farm . have 70 years of expertise of raising rabbits and making the most money . My son has ten years in growing produce for the table and to sell . Between the both of us we have the expertise to make the farm grow .
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