Florida’s unique features such as sandy soils, weather, and four different growing zones can make developing a healthy lawn and landscape challenging.
Click on these publications and sites for Florida-specific information about caring for your lawn and landscape.
UF/IFAS Publications
Establishing Your Florida Lawn
Preparing to Plant a Florida Lawn
Fertilization and Irrigation Needs for Florida Lawns and Landscapes
General Recommendations for Fertilization of Turfgrasses on Florida Soils
Figuring out Fertilizer for the Home Lawn
Insect Management in Your Florida Lawn
Managing Your Florida Lawn Under Drought Conditions
Let Your Lawn Tell You When to Water
Design Strategies for a Sustainable Home Landscape
University of Florida’s 2012 Pest Control Guide for Turfgrass Managers
Environmental Conditions and the Lawn
Lawn Care & Irrigation-Living Green
Other Sites & Publications
Landscaping Plants-Oregon State University & Oregon Master Gardeners Association