Reproductive efficiency is paramount to an effective cattle operation. One key to monitoring and maintaining reproductive efficiency in the herd is diagnosing pregnancy. Accurate pregnancy diagnosis allows ranchers to make more informed management decisions. The earlier pregnancy diagnosis is performed the more cost effective the management decisions can be. There are several techniques available for diagnosing pregnancy in cattle; palpation is perhaps the most common technique used. Ultrasound technology can also be quite effective in cattle. Both of these techniques require significant training and practice to master. A relatively new technique involves collecting a blood sample from the animal in question. A laboratory procedure is then performed to diagnosis pregnancy. Since the actual test is performed in a laboratory all the rancher needs to learn is how to take a blood sample – a relatively simple skill.
UF/IFAS Extension, Washington County will be hosting a Cattle Pregnancy Diagnosis Workshop on Saturday October 25th. The workshop will be held at the Owens’ Farm at the intersection of Hwy 77 and Houston Rd. The event will begin at 8:30 and conclude at 11:00. The event will include a presentation regarding the use of pregnancy diagnosis in cow-calf operations, demonstrations of palpation, ultrasound, and the blood sampling technique. The blood sampling procedure will be covered in great detail, including time for hands-on practice. The event is free. If you have any questions please contact Mark Mauldin 638-6180 or