Cogongrass Workshop 1/14/2014

Cogangrass flyer 001Cogongrass is an extremely aggressive and difficult to control invasive species. Cogongrass is found throughout Washington County. If not controlled Cogongrass infestations will continue to spread making eventual control much more difficult. It should also be noted
that uninformed attempts to control Cogongrass are very often ineffective and in some cases further the spread of the plant. This workshop will be beneficial to any land owner or manager in Washington County – even if you don’t have Cogongrass on your property now there is a good chance that you will. This workshop being broadcast from the UF/IFAS NFREC in Quincy. The Washington County Ag Center is one of several sites where the presentation will be available; be sure to choose the correct site when you register for the workshop.
If you have any question about the workshop contact Mark Mauldin, UF/IFAS Extension Washington County 850-638-6180.

For questions about registration call the number on the flyer.


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Posted: January 6, 2014

Category: Invasive Species, Natural Resources
Tags: Cogongrass, Invasive Species