4-H Day at the Capitol is a unique day where our State Capitol in Tallahassee is overrunning with a sea of 4-H green! Youth from all 67 counties in Florida will travel to our Capitol on February 22nd to learn about their state government and experience the political process first hand. Throughout the day, youth will hear from public officials, participate in educational workshops, and see their legislators in actions! 4-H’ers have the opportunity, on this special day, to have their voices heard by the leaders of our government and make an impact with their 4-H story.
The day begins with an address from the 4-H State Officers and from our Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam himself. Putnam is a 4-H alumni and a leader in our Agriculture Industry. He takes pride in sharing his story annually to the #TrueLeaders of upcoming youth in 4-H. Listen to Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam’s interview with Southeast AgNet about how participation in 4-H helped him develop the citizenship, speaking, organizational and leadership skills that he draws on to this day. Listen Here
“(4-H) Shaped my outlook on life and prepared me for the world beyond just county fairs and livestock shows. Even my exposure to campaigns and elections came through participation in 4-H programs and the State 4-H Council.” – Adam Putnam, Florida Agriculture Commissioner
After the address from Mr. Putnam, youth explore the new and old Capitol buildings, can listen in on an official meeting, and have the opportunity to meet one on one with their legislators. We do encourage 4-H Agents, Volunteers and youth to make appointments with their legislators prior to 4-H Day at the Capitol to ensure a meeting space and time. You may be surprised to discover that many of the professionals working throughout the Capitol are 4-H Alumni and continue to utilize the life skills they learned during their 4-H experience to aid them in their careers daily.
In addition to meeting with legislators, youth may participate in mock sessions, scavenger hunts around the Capitol and educational workshops! For example, youth can sign up to take a tour of the Big Bend Farm at the Tallahassee Museum, experience IMAX National Parks and learn about the national parks while completing science labs, or they may visit the Governor’s Mansion to learn about Florida’s First Family’s official residence! Come take advantage of this annual event that exemplifies how 4-H Grows our future leaders and why “you’re going to need us.” Sign up on 4honline today through January 31st!

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