Silvopasture is an agroforestry practice where a combination of trees, forage, and livestock are jointly managed to optimize production of all three. The term “silvopasture” means “forest-pasture,” where “silvo” is derived from a Latin word that means “forest.” Silvopasture can be established either by planting trees in an existing pasture, or by planting forage in an existing stand of trees. This article provides recommendations for converting planted pines to silvopasture.
Fully stocked pine stands, or previously thinned pine stands can be transitioned into Silvopasture over a two year period with proper management. Thinning pine stands to a 40-60 basal area, or approximately 150 trees per acre is ideal. The diameter of your trees at breast height (DBH) determines basal area and how many trees per acre you will have. A prism (10 factor for our area, cost around $40) is used to calculate the basal area. Contact your local state forester or consulting forester to show you how to use the prism to determine basal area.

Your new Silvopasture stand should consist of 2-3 solid rows of trees with 40 feet or more of open space between each set of rows. Make sure diseased and dead trees are removed from within the rows to keep the understory clean for forage production. Tree size and health needs to be considered per stand. Initial planning and management is important before logging commences. Natural pine stands can also be converted to Silvopasture, but the focus of this article is on conversion from planted pines.
Once the stand has been thinned, prescribed burning would be the next step, followed by a shallow disking (4-6 inches) to avoid tree root damage on existing pine trees. In some situations, an herbicide application may be needed to kill underbrush like yaupon holly and privet,if fire doesn’t do the job.
Soil testing to determine liming requirements is important as most pine stands have acidic soils. A pH of 5.5 – 6 would be ideal; a higher pH could negatively affect the growth of your pine trees.

Pensacola bahiagrass, combined with overseeded ryegrass in the winter are a proven combination for Silvopasture, both for establishment and financial considerations. Other varieties will work, but may be less adaptable or cost more. Depending on ground cover, various types of planting methods can be used to get your grass established. No till drills, three-point PTO spreader, or even using cows to stomp in your seed can be used. Different types of clover can also be planted with the ryegrass in the fall to provide a nitrogen source, which will benefit both trees and grass. Also the partial shade provided from the planted pines will extend the growing season for some of our less heat tolerant varieties of clover.
Stocking rates for cattle will depend on the amount of forage you have in the stand. Initially it will be low until ground cover is adequately covered with grass.

Here is a summary of management activities needed for developing a Silvopasture grazing system in planted pine:
Thin planted pines to a 40-60 basal area
Burn stand to remove logging debris and underbrush
Bush hog, shallow disk, root rake, or use herbicide to expose soil for forage seed contact
Do a soil test to determine how much lime is needed
Plant seed using drills, spreaders, or cows *
Let grass get 6 inches tall before grazing
* Stumps usually take 5-6 years to rot without special treatment. Just plant around them the best you can. It is generally quite cost prohibitive to remove them all.
In summary, research has shown that timber production and cattle production can work well together, if managed properly. Diversification of agricultural land helps manage market risks, and can increase income over the long term. Cost-share programs for silvopasture may be available in your county through the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), to help offset some of the establishment costs. [important]Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) lands are not eligible for use as Silvopasture.[/important]
For more information on Silvopasture please see the following resources:
Integrated Timber, Forage and Livestock Production – Benefits of Silvopasture
Silvopasture: Establishment and management principles for pine forests in the Southeastern U.S.
USDA National Agroforestry Center
May 1, 2016
Two green thumbs up!
April 29, 2016
I Have a one story house with an average peak. I do not want to dwarf the house, so I figured between 15 - 20 feet max. Thanks!
April 29, 2016
Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks.
April 29, 2016
How large do you want the Crape Myrtle to get?
April 28, 2016
I'm confused - another one of your articles about Acoma Crepe states 12 feet - "Crapemyrtle Cultivars for North Florida Garden Design, Ornamental Shrubs, Shrubs June 23, 2015" I'd really like to know the real deal because I want to plant a white crepe, but I think Natchez would be too large - and a 12 foot Acoma would be too small! Thanks
April 28, 2016
February 12, 2015
I noticed that CRP lands may not be eligible for use as Silvo pasture but do the two programs compliment one another if you are not seeking a cost share with the NRCS or Forestery services.
January 21, 2015
Thanks for finally writing about > Benefits of Prescribed Burning
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