There is a growing anxiety about the corn harvest with its high moisture content and lack of available storage. Field conditions are wet making it hard for equipment to cross fields.
Cotton fields need to dry out or disease pressure will rise. Diseases such as white mold and leafspot in peanuts are a concern, too.
Peanuts planted in early April are nearing the time to plow them up. There is apprehension the excess rain from Hurricane Isaac will cause these mature peanuts to sprout in the ground.
Hay harvest has stopped with the rain. Pastures are growing at a rapid pace. Large flights of army worm moths are active. Most hayfields and crops will experience greater pressure as worms move out of harvested corn fields.
Soybean rust is present and should be sprayed with TopGuard as soon as weather allows. The optimum time to spray cogongrass, smutgrass, briars, and other difficult-to-control weeds is here. Submitted by Andy Andreasen, Washington County Extension Director