County Offers Grant Funds to Local Nonprofits

Has your non-profit been impacted by COVD-19? If so, Volusia County has committed over $3 million to help support the nonprofits who may qualify with emergency relief. To qualify for these funds the non-profit must meet the following criteria:

  1. Operate out of a physical, brick-and-mortar facility located in Volusia County;
  2. Be a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization;
  3. Be licensed to operate in Volusia County or the municipality within Volusia County in which it’s located
  4. Have an active state business registration from Florida Division of Corporations.
  5. Have been operational and actively conducting business in Volusia County on or before Dec. 1, 2019.

The documentation to apply for these funds is minimal and will need to be uploaded to your application here.

Business and Nonprofit AssistanceThese grant funds are available to all nonprofits and the amount of funding received will vary based on the number of individuals the nonprofit employees. For example, qualifying nonprofits that have 25 employees or less may be eligible to receive a grant of $3,000 whereas nonprofits that have between 26 or more employees may receive a grant of $5,000.

If you have any questions about how to get started or general questions about these grants or the application process reach out to Dr. Brad Burbaugh with UF/IFAS Extension Volusia County.


Posted: December 10, 2020

Category: UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Economic Development, Nonprofit

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