WPS Train-The-Trainer Certification and Pesticide Safety available online

Need to get the certificate to become a Worker Protection Safety (WPS) trainer? The training is now online. Materials can be download or streamed from YouTube. (It will take some time to download some of these materials due to their size).

worker spraying fern with backpack sprayer
Worker spraying leatherleaf fern with a backpack sprayer

There are 3 different training associated with WPS and they are:

  • Train The Trainer (TTT W/H 00003) teaches people who will be instructing workers and/or handlers on Worker Protection and Safety. This five-part module program uses EPA approved materials and provides certification through Florida Department of Ag & Consumer Services (FDACS). Certification is good for life, no recertification need, if taken after September 2016.
  • WPS-Pesticide Safety Training (PST00018) is a 40 minute required training for workers and/or handlers on Worker Protection and Safety. This is a yearly training (12 months). You will find a Pesticide Safety Training Number on the materials like PST W/H 00018. This number must be part of the recordkeeping or be in their certifications).
  • Respiratory Protection training. Required for those pesticide applicators who use pesticides that require respirators.

Participation in one of these training does not exclude participant from the other training requirements

Train the Trainer Certification
WPS Manual - EPA
EPA WPS Manual

This Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), issues a WPS TTT certificate upon successful completion of the class (WPS TTT W/H 00003), through the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Service (FDACS). This certificate provides the qualifier to train agricultural workers and pesticide handlers under the revised Worker Protection Standard requirements. The online course has a cost of $35.00, administrated by UF/IFAS. A free version is included as reference material (the free version does not offer certification) since the course includes many support documents, recordkeeping forms and other training materials. The course is available in the IFAS Catalog at the following link:

Free version: https://ifas-farmlabor.catalog.instructure.com/courses/wps-tt

Certificate version: https://ifas-farmlabor.catalog.instructure.com/courses/wps-ttt

For WPS materials you can contact the FDACS office for copies of the DVDs. (Form Attached or just by email them at WPS@FDACS.gov ) The Links are provided below.

Worker/Handler Training – A two part training- both parts are required. Spanish versions are included.
Training 1: Worker Protection Standard (WPS) for Agricultural Workers (EPA Worker PST 00028)

WPS training videos for agricultural workers:

To download, click on “link” and save the file.

Training 2: Worker Protection Standard (WPS) for Pesticide Handlers (EPA Handler PST 00031)

WPS training videos for pesticide handlers:

To download, click on “link” and save the file.

Record forms required for the PST Handler 00018 class is provided in the link below. Download both sheets and have the attendees sign in for each training they complete. Your firm is required to keep these records for a period of two years after training is completed. Workers and handlers require training once every 5 years.

Workers/Handlers WPS Training Attendance Sheet (link)


Training Verification records (link)


This presentation, (Handler Training) covers both Workers and Handlers. Part One includes Workers topics and additional topics for Handlers either PST W/H 0031 above, and both certifications. Certification is required annually.

Link to the Workers/Handler training English version to this material (PST W/H 00018) powerpoint presentation

http://pesticideresources.org/wps/hosted/PERC- -training-handlers.pptx

Link to the powerpoint version in Spanish


For more information, contact:
Ricardo Davalos,
Coodinator Worker Safety Program,
Division of Agriculture Environmental Services,
Telephone: (850) 528-5402
Bureau of Scientific Evaluation & Technical Assistance
7950 Dani Dr. Ste.140 PMB 24
Fort Myers, FL 33966

Posted: August 25, 2020

Category: Agriculture, Farm Management, Professional Development, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Agricultural Worker, Pesticide Handler, Train The Trainer, WPS Worker Protection Safety