The following are important hand tools used in the horticulture industry today. Open the Horticultural Tools link below then match the tools with the correct descriptions below.
- A flat spade to edge beds and dig nursery stock
- Pole pruners to prune branches high in the framework of the tree
- Wheelbarrow to carry mulch and other supplies
- Lapping pruner to cut branches 1 ½ to 2 inches in diameter
- 10-tine fork to handle mulch
- A special nozzle to water seedling plants
- Hand tool to dig pole holes
- Hand sprayer to applying chemicals to plants
- Tool to shear hedges and topiary forms
- Small folding pruning saw
- Shovel for digging soil and planting trees
- Special wide nozzle water breaker
- Hand pruning saw
- Flat shovel to remove debris from the landscape
- Small trowel to plant seedling plants
- A special fork for spading the soil
- A small-mouthed water breaker to soften water flow into pots
- A special tool to extend your reach while watering plants
Open this Document link below for images of the horticultural tools
Horticultural Tools
Reiley, H. E, and C. L. Shry Jr.2007. Lab Manual to Accompany – Introductory Horticulture. 7th Edition. Thompson Delmar Learning. Page 173-174. 284 pages. ISBN-13: 978-1-4018-8956-2