Mangos are grown in tropical and subtropical lowlands throughout the world. In Florida, mangos are grown commercially in Dade, Lee, and Palm Beach Counties and as dooryard trees in warm locations along the southeastern and southwestern coastal areas and along the southern shore of Lake Okeechobee. In Florida, there are different pest and disease affecting mango production but most of them are not intensive for home landscape. Homeowners should contact their local UF/IFAS Extension office for recommended control measures.
- The flowers on mango tree turn black
The most important disease of mango in Florida is anthracnose. The anthracnose fungus attacks flowers, young fruits, leaves, and twigs. It also appears as a storage disease of mature fruits. Symptoms appear as black, slightly sunken lesions of irregular shape, which gradually enlarge and cause blossom blight, leaf spotting, fruit staining, and fruit rot. Disease development is encouraged by rains or heavy dews. Prevention can be accomplished by maintaining a coating of fungicide on susceptible parts starting when bloom buds begin to expand and ending at harvest.
- There are brown spots on the mango tree leaves
Brown spots on the leaves of mango tree are another symptom of the disease anthracnose. Preventative sprays can reduce the risk of infection.
- The young trees wilt gradually
Verticillium wilt is usually observed in new trees planted on land previously used for vegetable production (especially tomatoes). This fungus attacks the tree roots and vascular (water-conducting) system, decreasing and blocking water movement into the tree. Symptoms of infection include leaf wilting, desiccation and browning, stem and limb dieback, and browning of the vascular tissues. Occasionally verticillium will kill young trees. Control consists of removing affected tree limbs by pruning.
- The mango fruits split
The unfavorable weather conditions (high temperature, heavy rainfall and humidity) may be the main reasons for fruit splitting in mango.
- Mango trees flower but not set fruit
The main reason why the mango trees flower but not setting fruit is anthracnose disease which attack all part of the trees but most damage occurs to the flower panicles. Sever infections will destroy the panicles and accordingly affecting potential fruit set and production.
Fore more information please read EDIS article.