COVID-19 Resumption Plan for LakeWatch Activities in St. Lucie County

COVID-19 Resumption Plan for LakeWatch Activities in St. Lucie County
Proposed restart date August 2020

The following processes will be undertaken for the COVID-19 Resumption Plan for LakeWatch activities at the UF/IFAS Extension St. Lucie County. No activities will be undertaken until UF/IFAS and St. Lucie County resume volunteer activities. Volunteers and external UF faculty and staff are not permitted to enter the Extension office while the office is closed. Samples will not be accepted without preauthorization from Ken Gioeli, Natural Resources Extension Agent.

When volunteer activities are cleared to begin, this is the proposed process:
1. LakeWatch volunteers will email Ken Gioeli at to schedule appointment for dropping off LakeWatch samples or picking up supplies.
2. Appointment times for drop off will be Mondays from 8 a.m. – Noon.
3. Ken Gioeli will place a cooler with ice outside the front door of the Extension office. LakeWatch volunteers may drop off their LakeWatch samples by appointment by placing their samples in the cooler. Ken will collect the samples from the ice cooler and place them in the freezer.
4. LakeWatch volunteers can request replenishment supplies by making an appointment with Ken Gioeli. Appointment times will be Mondays 8-noon. Replenishment supplies will be placed near the cooler outside the Extension office.

LakeWatch faculty and staff
LakeWatch faculty and staff will make an appointment with Ken Gioeli to collect LakeWatch samples stored in the Extension freezer. They will not be permitted inside the Extension office until cleared by the County Extension Director. Ken will leave the frozen LakeWatch samples in the ice cooler outside the Extension office front door.

LakeWatch faculty and staff can drop off replenishment supplies near the ice cooler.

For additional information about UF/IFAS LakeWatch, click HERE.


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Posted: June 8, 2020

Category: Community Volunteers, NATURAL RESOURCES, Water
Tags: Algae, Lakewatch, St. Lucie, Volunteer, Water Quality