Extension St. Johns County

Tag: Birds

May is American Wetlands Month

May 22, 2020

While we are honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military this Memorial Day weekend, don't forget that May is also the American Wetlands Month. What is American Wetlands Month? American Wetlands Month was founded ... READ MORE

Category: Natural Resources, UF/IFAS Extension, Water, Wildlife
Tags: Amphibians, Birds, Constructed Wetlands, Habitat, Reptiles, Wastewater Treatment, Water, Water Quality, Water Treatment, Wetland, Yilin Zhuang

Planting for Pollinators Part II: Types of Plants

October 2, 2017

In Part 1 of the Planting for Pollinators post, we discussed the importance and decline of pollinators. Now, step out into your yard for a bit. If the only plants you can identify are “green ones,” no worries. The Marion County Extension ... READ MORE

Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping, HOME LANDSCAPES
Tags: Bats, Bees, Birds, Butterflies, Caterpillars, FFL, Florida Friendly, Garden, Honeybees, Host, Landscaping, Larval, Nectar, Neonicotinoids, Planting, Pollinators

Planting for Pollinators Part I: The Dilemma

October 2, 2017

If I were to ask you to list some pollinators that visit your gardens, butterflies and honey bees may come to your mind. But take a closer look! Do you see a shiny little green sweat bee flying from flower to flower? Or possibly a hummingbird, ... READ MORE

Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping, HOME LANDSCAPES
Tags: Bats, Bees, Birds, Butterflies, Endangered, FFL, Florida Friendly, Garden, Hummingbird, Landscaping, Moth, Planting, Pollinators, Wasp