Bite-sized science webinar series

The past month has been all about finding ways to adapt to this new COVID-19 situation! I have been working with several of my Florida Sea Grant Extension colleagues to develop some fabulous new resources. Some of these are specifically designed for K-12 youth, while others are appropriate for older youth and adults. Since next week is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, this seems like a good time to share these with you!

I have been working with an amazing team of extension agents and specialists to develop a webinar series that we are calling, “Bite-sized Science.” These are 30-minute webinar presentations on a range of marine topics. These will be presented at 4 pm EST, Monday through Friday from April 20 to May 29 (except May 25, which is Memorial Day).

Each day has a theme

Each day of the week is structured to loosely tie in with one of the Florida Sea Grant focus areas

  • Monday: Healthy Coastal habitats (Habitats and Species)
  • Tuesday: Fish & Fisheries
  • Wednesday: Threats to Coastal habitats/species
  • Thursday: Sustainability (including climate change)
  • Friday: Aquaculture and seafood
How to register

These webinars will consist of 30-minute presentations, but presenters will stay longer to answer questions as needed. People will need to register for EACH webinar that they would like to participate in. To see the different topics and register, visit Click on the webinar title to register. You will need to register for each presentation separately. Presentations will be recorded, and registrants will be sent a link to view the recordings.

I hope that these online options will provide everyone with some opportunities to learn some fun science facts about our coastal environment! If there are topics that you’d like to see covered, send me an email at We are hoping to continue the webinar series and expand the K-12 resources over time!


Posted: April 9, 2020

Category: Coasts & Marine, Events, Invasive Species, Natural Resources, Water, Wildlife
Tags: Manatee, Microplastic, Ocean, Sea Turtle