Online educational resources for kids at home

Florida Sea Grant has created several new environmental education resources to help students learning from home during the COVID-19 situation. Parents, students and teachers can find a wealth of educational materials, including lessons and information about manatees, sea turtles, right whales, and other aspects of coastal Florida.

“Florida Sea Grant has a long history of working with teachers and students,” said Maia McGuire, Florida Sea Grant UF/IFAS Extension agent who led the creation of the materials. “We are compiling some of our most popular lessons, and making a few new ones to help.”

One in a Thousand: Those Amazing Sea Turtles

One of the newly-created materials is a series of videos based on a popular book that McGuire co-wrote about sea turtles. One in a Thousand: Those Amazing Sea Turtles introduces viewers to sea turtle biology, habitat, and ways people can help protect sea turtles and their habitat.

Other Florida Sea Grant UF/IFAS Extension agents are also creating video resources for K-12 learners. Those made specifically for at-home learners can found on the tile called “Education at Home”at New materials are being added as they are completed, so the available resources will be increasing over the next few weeks.

Other resources

Additionally, the National Sea Grant program has compiled a list of educational resources from Sea Grant programs around the nation.

“Sea Grant is a national leader in funding and fostering coastal science,” said McGuire. “These materials will allow students to learn about the coastal environment, even while they have to stay at home.”

This blog was written by Rhett Register, Florida Sea Grant communications coordinator.


Posted: April 1, 2020

Category: 4-H & Youth, Coasts & Marine, Curriculum, Natural Resources, Wildlife
Tags: COVID-19, Manatee, Sea Turtle