Information for the 2017-2018 4-H year membership enrollments and fees.
4HOnline enrollments and payments go live for the new 4-H year on August 17, 2017. This system is used to keep track of all youth and volunteers that are involved with the 4-H program. It is mandatory that all youth are entered into the system, not just for reporting purposes, but it is a way to keep track of information for each individual.
If a child has an allergy or a special need, 4HOnline is the place to report it. If you bring your child to a 4-H event and leave, how else are we supposed to contact you if something was to happen to your child? Making sure that all of the information in 4HOnline is current and up-to-date, is also important. If your cellphone number did change we can’t get a hold of you if we need to. There was an instance when a youth was sick at camp and a parent listed only one number and that cell phone was turned off. Luckily, we were able to contact the family through an older sibling, but that isn’t always the case.
When Enrolling into 4HOnline
The first thing you want to do to enroll is go to This should be completed by an adult/parent/guardian.

There are instructions to enroll on the site, but I have linked them here also.
From there, you want to follow the prompts on the page (just like if you have signed up anywhere else online), fill out the personal information, and continue to the participation page.
Once on the participation page, select the appropriate club AND the project(s). The project(s) helps us to know what your child’s interests are.
Once you are finished and submit your information, you will receive a confirmation email. Within the confirmation email there is a link to the Community Club Membership Fees payment site.
Community Club Membership Fees
To be a bona fide 4-H member, an enrollment fee must be paid after registering in 4HOnline. The fee is typically $20 per member (some counties may be more) for youth ages 8-18 (as of September 1 of the current 4-H year). Youth ages 5-7 (Cloverbuds) and adults are not required to pay the fee. With that $20 fee, $10 is used for state events, like transportation to 4-H University. The other $10 comes back to the county to help with county programming, ribbons aren’t free.
Should there be a situation where a family cannot pay the enrollment fees they should contact their county extension office. That doesn’t mean you can slip by and not pay. Youth will not be active members if their fee has not been paid. That means if something was to happen to them while attending a club event as a non member, they will not be covered by 4-H insurance.
The fee is only for community clubs. Youth in an after school or in an in-school club are not required to pay membership fees. A community club is a club that is open to the entire community. If your child is a member of the _____ County Livestock Club that meets the first Monday of the month from 6-7pm at the community center, they are most likely a community club member.
Paying Membership Fees
When filling out the information on the CASHNet payment site, be sure that all information provided is the same exact information that you put into the 4HOnline system because, believe it or not, there is probably another Shaina Spann out there. This would help the state 4-H staff in processing all of the information to make matching each youth to their county much easier.
If you have multiple children, last year you could type their names. This year, you must add each additional child to your cart before checking out.
The CASHNet system is for credit and debit cards. University of Florida computers (computers in county offices) cannot process online payments. Those payments must be done through the individuals’ personal computer or smart device. If you are not able to use the CASHNet system, there is a form that can be filled out with an accompanying check or money order.
Transactions through CASHNet will appear as UNIV OF FL ONLINE PMT; not FL 4-H, or 4-H Transaction, etc.
Main Things to Know
- To enroll/re-enroll: This should be completed by an adult/parent/guardian.
- Community Club Youth will not be active members if their membership fee has not been paid.
- Typical membership for each county is $20 per youth, ages 8-18 (as of Sep. 1); this does not include ages 5-7 or adults.
- All information that you put into the 4HOnline system should be the same exact information you put into the CASHNet system.
- CASHNet needs to email you a receipt, please provide a valid email address. They will NEVER sell your information.
- No computers associated with the University of Florida can process credit/debit card transactions.
- The transaction will show up as UNIV OF FL ONLINE PMT on your statement.
- Payments can be made via mail with a check or money order and this form. Forms should be mailed to:
UF/IFAS Extension 4-H Youth Development Program, Attn: Membership Fees, 2142 Shealy Drive, PO Box 110225,Gainesville, FL 32611-0225
For assistance please contact your 4-H Agent, or
◊Special thanks to Ben Knowles, State 4-H Information and Volunteer Management Coordinator for images.