Meet Jim Ewing, the moderator for a session called “Soil Health in the Subtropics and Tropics,” at this year’s conference. Do not miss this great organic & sustainable-track session!
Jim Ewing is an award-winning journalist, author and former organic farmer. He is Outreach Coordinator for the Gulf States Region of the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT), an NGO that operates ATTRA, the National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service. He is the former president of the Mississippi Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association, and serves on the Administrative Council of the USDA’s Southern Sustainable Research and Education (SSARE) program. In 2013, Gaining Ground – Sustainability Institute of Mississippi awarded him its highest honor, The Sustainable Works Award, calling him a “pioneer in sustainability” and a “tireless champion for farmers and food” for his leadership over the past 30 years. He also serves and has served on numerous state, regional and national agricultural, food policy and environmental boards. Gerald Barber, former board president of the National Wildlife Federation, said: “Jim Ewing brought the environmental movement home to Mississippi. Thanks to Jim, an honest straight shooter on the side of doing right, the environment is no longer a four-letter word.” He is a former writer and editor with The Clarion-Ledger, Mississippi’s largest newspaper.