Enhancing Your Scholarly Works Series – Awards and Recognition for Extension Professionals

As we wrap up the old year and before we begin diving into the new year, it is important that we take time to reflect on the highlights of our programing efforts from this past year. These highlights can then be transformed into award winning programs if we dedicate time to “toot our own horn” and submit such programs for professional awards. Memberships in professional associations and affiliation with various organizations/institutions provide numerous opportunities for Extension professionals to be recognized for successful programs.

Benefits of Receiving An Award

Although the awards process can be time consuming, it is well worth the effort for several reasons. The research team of Angima, Carroll and Reed found that awards enhance success for professionals and their programs in the following ways:

  • Gain considerations for performance recognition, merit-based pay, and promotion/tenure.
  • Helps sustain the program even after the recognition is received.
  • Promotes respect and recognition from peers for area of expertise.
Before You Submit An Award

Now that you know some of the benefits of receiving an award, it is time to get started. Here are a few pointers for you to consider:

  1. Find out the award submission due dates and put them on your calendar.
  2. Read over the criteria for each award, make notes, and highlight the possibilities.
  3. Match successful programs with award criteria. In addition to impact, program success identified in the criteria may target such factors as innovation, audience served, and focused subject matter.
  4. Team submissions should include input from all team members listed.
  5. Discuss your award submissions with your mentor, fellow agent, RSA, or CED.
  6. Contact the “letter of support” writer as early as possible and provide them with award criteria, program effort, and program impacts.
  7. Read over the award scoresheet. This will help you understand the value for each section of the scoring rubric.
  8. Ask one or two people to proofread your award submission for clarity, spelling, and grammar.
  9. Be aware that technical problems can happen, therefore, be sure to submit your documents with plenty of time to spare.
After You Submit An Award

Once you have submitted your award(s), celebrate by taking a walk, eating lunch outside, or sharing your good news with a co-worker or friend. As you wait to hear the results of your award submission(s), keep focused on your current programming efforts and remember, there are more award opportunities next year!

After You Receive An Award

Awards received should be entered into your Report of Accomplishments report in the “Honors” section and put under the appropriate subcategory (local, state, regional, national, international).


Awards of Excellence Inspire and Motivate Extension Professionals. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335841263_Awards_of_Excellence_Inspire_and_Motivate_Extension_Professionals

More Resources: Enhancing Your Scholarly Works Series
The author of this blog article is Geralyn Sachs. Geralyn is the UF/IFAS Extension Central District 4-H Regional Specialized Agent III. Her primary effort focuses on training and mentoring Extension Agents in the Central District. Her state leadership efforts include clothing and textiles, plant science/food systems, food challenge, and awards and recognition for youth.

Geralyn Sachs, M.S.
Regional Specialized Extension Agent III
4-H Youth Development
UF/IFAS Extension Central District 
Email: fish12@ufl.edu

Posted: January 3, 2022

Category: Professional Development, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Award Application, Awards, Awards And Recognition, Central District, Central District RSA, Extension Professionals, Geralyn Sachs, Professional Development, Scholarly Nuggets, Scholarly Works