Quail Field Day – April 26

by Raoul Boughton, Assistant Professor, Rangeland Wildlife and Ecosystems
UF/IFAS Range Cattle Research and Education Center

If you have not been in the woods lately, you should. Bobwhite cocks are calling and pairing up with females and nests will start to be built. On the 26th April the UF/IFAS Range Cattle Research and Education Center (RCREC), rangeland wildlife program is presenting a Quail Field Day for land owners. Come and enjoy a field trip at the Buzzard Roost property of the Sharp Family, followed by a quail lunch and afternoon presentations at the RCREC. In the morning you will see and hear native Bobwhite Quail, discuss habitat management and population tools that are being used onsite to maintain the population, see how an NRCS Bobwhite assistance program is undertaken, search for native quail food plants, and enjoy being in the woods.

Bobwhite quail chicks leaving their nest.

After lunch back at the RCREC, see afternoon presentations on Bobwhite conservation, ecology, research and management, and assistant programs, by Jef Hodges from the National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative, Greg Hagan the state Bobwhite Game Biologist from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services bobwhite program, and Dr. Raoul Boughton from RCREC.



Join us!
Friday, April 26, 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Moring ranch location: 8010 NW Lily County Line Road, Ona
Lunch & afternoon program: 3401 Experiment Station, Ona

View the event flyer: click here
Register: click here.
Questions, contact Taylor Davis at 863-402-7148 or tpohl@ufl.edu



Andrea Dunlap, Educational Media/Communication Coordinator at the UF/IFAS Range Cattle Research and Education Center (RCREC)
Posted: April 15, 2019

Category: Agriculture, Conservation, Events, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS Extension, Wildlife