Aiming for Success

The Swampgator 4-H Archers of Putnam County continue to make us proud with their hard work and dedication! They recently competed at the state 3-D Archery Match in Newberry where Leslie Brady received 8th place, Stasi Brady got 10th place, and Jordan Brady won 6th place all in their respective age divisions. Placing in the top ten in any competition is an honor and one these young ladies work hard to receive.

The 4-H club is always looking for new members to join and share in their passion for archery. The club has been fortunate to receive support from the Welaka Fish Hatchery that provides them with the location for the club to meet. Contact the Swampgator 4-H Archers of Putnam County today to learn about how you can become part of the team!

Vehicle for Youth Development

The 4-H shooting sports provide provides youth with a vehicle to develop critical life skills. Through practice and commitment these youth are learning critical thinking, problem solving, self-confidence, and personal discipline. In addition, they are learning to use the equipment safely and responsibly will gaining knowledge of the principles of archery.

Florida 4-H Shooting Sports

Youth are given numerous opportunities to demonstrate the knowledge and skills they have gained through regular practices through the state 4-H program. The program is designed to allow youth to continue to develop and grow in a safe environment by encouraging self-paced learning, age appropriate building of skill level, and recognition for work well done.

Swampgator Archers representing Putnam County!

Posted: February 12, 2018

Category: 4-H & Youth
Tags: Crystal_McCazzio

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