The Project
The Putnam County Youth Pullet Project provides participants with instruction and opportunities to learn to feed, water, and care for chickens from the “day old hatchling” stage to “ready-to-lay” pullets.

This project benefits young people by providing opportunities to develop self-responsibility, discipline, and persistence, and it will also provide a pathway into developing the character traits necessary to transition into other projects. At the end of the project the participants are encouraged to select their top two pullets to enter for judging at the Putnam County Agricultural Fair. Each entry is judged as a ready to lay set by an unbiased official and ribbons are awarded. All age divisions are welcome to enroll but only Junior, Intermediate and Senior divisions are judged. Cloverbuds will receive a participation ribbon for their participation.
Come Support the Youth
All youth enrolled in the project are eligible to sell their set of “ready-to-lay” pullets at a silent auction held on Friday, March 23rd from 5pm to 8pm at the Putnam County Fair. Everyone is welcome to come out and bid on the chickens the youth worked hard to raise!