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Tag: biodiversity

Exotic Plants Starving Birds! 12 Things You Can Do to Help

April 18, 2018

Birds Are Starving Exotic (non-native) plants do not support the caterpillars that native birds need for food, causing birds to starve to death. If birds can’t find enough caterpillars, they can’t reproduce and they and their young starve. Birds ... READ MORE

Category: Home Landscapes, Wildlife, Work & Life
Tags: Biodiversity, Birds, Caterpillars, Exotic Plants, Extinction, Gardening, Insects, Landscape, Native Plants, Pesticides, Spiders, Starving

Connecting Nature to Nature: Wildlife Corridors

April 3, 2015

What exactly are wildlife corridors? Wildlife corridors are sections of land connecting two or more larger areas of wildlife habitat together. You can think of it like a dumbbell where the ends of the dumbbell are the large, usually natural ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation
Tags: Biodiversity, Conservation, Conservation Easement, Fauna, Flora, Florida Wildlife Corridor, Landowner, Parks, Preserves, Wildlife Corridor, Wildlife Habitat

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