New Episode From Naturally Florida: “Microplastic Pollution…What Is It?”

Plastic pollution has been a known problem for decades, but more recently researchers have been focusing on this idea of microplastics, that is, plastic particles about 5mm in size or smaller. Where do microplastics come from? What are the threats? And what can we do? Find out in this episode. 

In this episode we explore what exactly microplastics are, some major sources of microplastics, concerns about microplastics, and ways we, as consumers can make a positive impact.

We hope this brief introduction to microplastics will help you feel more informed and motivated to make some lifestyle changes. With your help, we have a much better chance of lessening our contribution to microplastic pollution.

New Episode from Naturally Florida

Naturally Florida (a podcast about Florida’s natural areas and the wild things that live here) recently released a new episode about microplastics in Florida.

Check it out, below on Spotify, or on your favorite podcast platform.




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Posted: June 21, 2022

Category: Natural Resources
Tags: Lmilligan, Microplastics, Naturally Florida Podcast, Scarnevale, Water Quality