This Saturday, November 5, is the 4-H Open House. The weather should be perfect for this annual event at the Pinellas County Extension Office. The purpose of this event is to highlight the achievements and opportunities of the local 4-H program.
Throughout the day four 4-H members will teach participants icebreakers, the difference between a visual aid and an exhibit, and how to use powerpoint in a presentation. The animal sciences will be represented in person by dairy goats and poultry courtesy of Conservatives 4-H and 4-H2O. The Hare Raisin’ Homesteaders will also have information on horses and rabbits. Average Joe’s 4-H will focus on technology in 4-H projects.
Along with the club exhibits led by 4-H members and leaders, partners and supporters of 4-H will also be there. The Pinellas County 4-H Foundation will be selling all the varieties of pecans at $10 a bag. The chocolate covered and glazed pecans make great gifts for the holidays. The Pinellas County Farm Bureau will have fun educational materials and information on the benefits of belonging to the Farm Bureau.
At approximately 1:00 p.m. the awards will be announced for the Apple/Pecan Cook-Off. After that, Open House attendees may sample the delicious entries. You don’t want to miss this!
The final activity of the Open House is the launching of the “Rockets Away” rockets. Rocketeers bringing an empty 2-liter bottle will create a rocket and then take part in the air powered launching.
Come by the 4-H Open House and experience a little bit of everything the 4-H program has to offer.
The Pinellas County Extension Office is located at 12520 Ulmerton Road, Largo.
Posted: November 3, 2011
Category: 4-H & Youth