Hot Food Trends in 2011

By: Nan Jensen, FCS Agent

According to a recent survey by the National Restaurant Association, locally produced foods, sustainability and child nutrition are among the hottest food trend for 2011.

The survey of over 1500 members of the American Culinary Federation asked them to rate a list of 226 food and beverage items, cuisines, culinary themes and preparation methods as a “hot trend,” “yesterday’s news” or “perennial favorite” on restaurant menus in 2011.

The “eating local theme” appeared in 3 of the top 5 trends. What does eating local mean? While there is no firm definition of local, the term locavore was coined back in 2005 and means to eat foods produced within 100 miles of the table, and from small farms and ranches. An easy way to start the local trend in your home is to choose one product to focus on. The Fresh from Florida logo can help you find local agricultural products grown and raised here in the state.

The top ten hot trends for 2011 are:

  1. Locally sourced meats and seafood
  2. Locally grown produce
  3. Sustainability
  4. Nutritionally balanced children’s dishes.
  5. “Hyper local,” such as restaurants with their own gardens and chefs who do their own butchering.
  6. Children’s nutrition
  7. Sustainable seafood
  8. Gluten-free food and being food allergy conscious
  9. Simplicity/back to basics
  10. Farm/estate-branded ingredients

For a complete of the survey results visit:


Posted: December 21, 2010

Category: Work & Life