New Episode from Naturally Florida: “Rat Poisons and Wildlife: What’s the Big Deal?”

Rodenticides are a specific type of pesticide used to control rats and mice, also known as rat poisons, but they can have impacts throughout the food chain if not used correctly. In this episode, we will explore the science behind rodenticides, the impact of rat poisons, and of course, best management practices when it comes to controlling rodents in our yards and neighborhoods.

We hope this brief introduction to rodenticides will help you feel more informed about your options for pest control. By implementing integrated pest management and using rat poisons only as a last resort, we can limit our contribution to primary and secondary exposure to non-target wildlife such as owls, hawks, and our pets.

New Episode from Naturally Florida

Naturally Florida (a podcast about Florida’s natural areas and the wild things that live here) recently released a new episode about rodenticides in Florida.

Check it out, below on Spotify, or on your favorite podcast platform.




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Posted: July 18, 2022

Category: Home Landscapes, Natural Resources, Pests & Disease, Wildlife
Tags: Featured, Integrated Pest Management, Lmilligan, Naturally Florida Podcast, Pest Management, Rats, Rodenticides, Shannon Carnevale