Join us as we celebrate Water Conservation Month!
By Doris Heitzmann, Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Program Manager.
April and May are typically the driest months of the year in Central Florida. Making this the perfect time to reflect on our water use and how we can contribute to protecting our most precious resource.
There are many opportunities to reduce water use in and outside your home. When it comes to outdoor water conservation the University of Florida/IFAS recommends utilizing the Nine Principles of Florida-Friendly Landscaping™.
A few simple steps, such as selecting and planting drought tolerant native plants, collecting and using rainwater, and maintaining your sprinkler system for efficiency can result in tremendous water savings.
Speaking of Sprinkler or Irrigation Systems here are a few easy maintenance tips
to keep your system efficient:
1. Maintain, repair, or replace poorly performing rotors, nozzles, and sprinkler heads. Heads can get clogged, damaged, and misdirected. Repairs can be as simple as cleaning or replacing a filter or nozzle.
2. Check your time clock settings for proper runtime, frequency, and “hidden” runtimes.
3. Calibrate your irrigation system to ½ to ¾ inches application rate per irrigation event to apply the proper amount of water.
4. Install a smart irrigation controller to avoid unnecessary irrigation events.
5. Retrofit to and use microirrigation in landscape beds.
Rainwater Harvesting: Participate in one of our monthly rainwater harvesting classes to learn how to use your rain barrel. Barrels are also made available for purchase.
Design your Landscape for drought by using drought tolerant and native plants. Plant right before or during the rainy season for water conserving plant establishment.
Water Conservation Rebate Programs: Last but not least, make use of local and regional water saving rebate programs. Tampa Bay residents may check eligibility for indoor and outdoor rebates at Tampa Bay Water Wise
Join us at our Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ April Classes
4/12/22 Harnessing the Rain: Water Conservation Month Special Tickets
4/29/22 Florida-Friendly Friday: Arbor Day Special Tickets
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