The Ranger Naturalist Program allows students ages 15-18 to gain leadership skills and environmental knowledge at Weedon Island Preserve each summer. Students gain Bright Futures volunteer hours while working on projects that benefit Weedon Island Preserve. Students will work under the direction of University of Florida IFAS Extension Faculty and College Mentors
The program includes a mix of indoor and outdoor activities including touring the state-of-the-art exhibit hall, nature hikes, paddling the canoe trail, coastal cleanups, and invasive plant removal. Each student will select a self-directed project that will help inform and educate visitors to Weedon Island Preserve.
The summer 2015 program will take place on Thursdays and Fridays from June 11- August 7. Applications are due Friday, May 15th. To learn more, interested students and parents should register to attend the program overview on April 4th. Or email Libby Carnahan at lcarnahan@ufl.edu.