Monday, May 7, 2012
10 a.m. to noon
Seminole Community Library Program Room
9200 113th St. N
Seminole, Florida 33722
TOPIC: Update on Florida Counties Preparing to Meet Statewide Recycling Goal of 75% by Year 2020
PRESENTER: Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Come to this exciting Discussion Group meeting armed with your own questions.
- What will we do differently to be able to accomplish this important goal?
- Will we get away from our casual use and disposal of plastic water bottles?
- Will more of us begin using re-usable shopping bags?
- Will we take extra efforts to discourage use of styrofoam packaging?
- Do you have strategies you have started using to reduce the amount of waste you throw out…that you could share with us?
Bring along a friend or two!
R.S.V.P. to Mary: