Pinellas Energy Efficiency Project
While LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) can be more energy efficient than incandescent bulbs and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), they are currently more expensive. But costs are coming down—in 2007, they were roughly one-seventh of costs in 2001—and it’s expected that LEDs will be competitive within a few years.
Here are some more facts:
- LED lights are very small, extremely durable, and can be manufactured in a variety of colors and forms.
- They have the potential to be more energy efficient and last far longer than most current lighting technologies.
- They are considered environmentally friendly, since they contain no mercury, and the visible light applications for home or business do not emit infrared (IR) or ultraviolet (UV) light.
- They produce very little heat; and, their lifetime is not affected by frequent on/off switching.
- “White” light is created by combining the light from red, green, and blue (RGB) LEDs, or by coating a blue LED with yellow phosphor.
Would you like a FREE LED replacement bulb to get started with this exciting new technology? Join us September 24 at Pinellas County Extension for the first annual Pinellas Home Energy Symposium. Experts will answer your questions from 9am to noon. Click here to register. All registered participants will receive an LED, 60watt-equivalent bulb which was made in Florida!
To learn more about LED Lighting, click here to download this pdf fact sheet from the University of Florida / IFAS.