4-H County Council Election Results

On June 10, at the Summer Bash, Pinellas County 4-H Council Officers were elected for the 2011/2012 4-H year. The officers elect are:

  • President……………………Emily Vines (4-H2O)
  • Vice President…………….Matthew Galiano (Average Joe’s)
  • Secretary…………………..J.D. Willett (Average Joe’s)
  • Treasurer………………….Keri Hannukainen (At Large)
  • Parliamentarian…………Michaela Polmann (4-H2O)
  • Historian/Reporter…….Jamie Hannukainen (At Large)
  • Sargent at Arms ………Olivia Cook (Conservatives)

4-H County Council is a group of 4-H members from a variety of clubs who learn leadership skills while serving the county 4-H program. Ideally, every 4-H club in the county is represented on the County Council with a voting member. Members plan community service projects and assist with county activities such as the recent dinner for 4-H volunteers and partners. Other events that benefit from the county Council are the 4-H Open House, Night of the Arts, the apple/pecan fundraiser, and of course, the Summer Bash.

County Council members are encouraged to attend District Council meetings and promote 4-H activities originating from the District and State Councils. They have the opportunity to represent their district at statewide meetings and help plan State Events such as Congress and Legislature. By participating in the County Council, 4-H members have the opportunity to make a difference at the county, district, and state levels. At the same time they are learning life skills and developing friendships that will last a lifetime.


Posted: June 27, 2011

Category: 4-H & Youth

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