This year Pinellas County Extension would like to encourage everyone to buy local fruits and vegetables.Purchasing locally grown (Florida) fruits and vegetables is better for the environment and better for your pocket book. They can charge much less for produce that doesn’t have to get on a boat or a plane.

So check the label on your fruits and vegetables and see where are grown before you buy them and purchase the local choice when available. This may mean not having some of your favorites, but it also means you can try new things and know that you are supporting local food systems and the local economy.

So check the label on your fruits and vegetables and see where are grown before you buy them and purchase the local choice when available. This may mean not having some of your favorites, but it also means you can try new things and know that you are supporting local food systems and the local economy.
Pledge today to go to a local farmer’s market at least once a month and buy local produce.
We will be contacting you through the year to see how you are doing on your commitment.