4-H Million Trees Project

What better way to celebrate the Florida 4-H Centennial than to “Make the Best Better”? Florida 4-H members have a unique way to celebrate Florida 4-H’s birthday by being part of a national initiative – The 4-H Million Trees Project. This project was started by a Pacifica, California 4-H’er who wanted to do something big to help combat climate change. The goal is to mobilize the approximately 7 million 4-H members in North America to participate by planting 1 million trees. These trees will then play a part in reducing atmospheric CO2.

It is estimated that there are 90,000 4-H clubs and units in the U.S. and Canada. If each club or unit planted twelve trees, this goal would be reached. The good news is that 4-H will be continuing this project for the next few years, until the goal is reached. This is a great idea for a club community service project and one that will last and continue to serve the community.

Here are some points and tips if you are interested in knowing more:

  • Clubs interested should register at both the national (4hmilliontrees.org) and Florida ( sfrc.edu/plt/4H_Million_Trees) websites. Building the network is critical.
  • The Arbor Day Foundation (arborday.org/4h) is partnering with 4-H, but you may find other partners.
  • Joining the Arbor Day Foundation allows you to buy twelve trees for a dollar each annually for four years.
  • All trees planted must be native. They provide food and shelter for our native wildlife and thrive in our climate.
  • Plant the right tree in the right place. Large trees need large spaces.
  • Ask at your church, school, or community park for possible planting areas.
  • Planting is just the first step; please plan on follow up care. Newly planted trees need water daily.
  • Participating in this project teaches a 4-H member that they can personally change the world.

In 4-H we teach life skills. The 4-H Million Trees Project will contribute to empowering the next generation of leaders who will know they can make a difference individually and as a group.

For more information please check the websites listed above or call Jean Rogalsky at (727) 582-2597 or email jrogalsk@pinellascounty.org.


Posted: November 26, 2008

Category: 4-H & Youth, Clubs & Volunteers