Trees Do Grow on Money

By: James Stevenson, Pinellas County Extension Educator

Do you know what your investment dollars are up to? It can be very eye-opening if you look beneath the surface of your portfolio only to discover your investments are being used to bolster companies with little (or no) social or environmental concerns. Would you knowingly invest in a sweat-shop? Would you hand cash over to someone who promised a return on your investment as long as you were OK with their polluting your child’s playground?

Thankfully there are ways to determine if your investments make the “triple bottom line” of People, Profit and Planet.

Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) is a broad-based approach to investing that now encompasses an estimated $2.3 trillion out of $24 trillion in the U.S. investment marketplace today (

There are more than 200 mutual funds currently set up that have had their portfolios socially screened by external auditors. Ask your financial institution about the possibility of SRI with them.

For more information, visit:


Posted: February 19, 2008

Category: Money Matters, Work & Life

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