The Honey Bee Community Showcase was created to raise awareness of the valuable contributions of honey bees to our food supply, to support local beekeeping and to provide opportunities for the community to show their talents. You don’t have to be a beekeeper to participate in this exhibition; everyone is invited to enter their home crafted items in this new showcase. Join us in celebrating honey bees and community creativity at the Honey Bee Community Showcase!
The Osceola County Fair is February 14-23, 2025, and Osceola County residents are invited to enter nine new exhibit classes:
- Honey
- Baked foods with honey
- Home-crafted beer and mead with honey
- Arts and crafts featuring honey bees as the subject
- Health/beauty/home products using beeswax, honey, or propolis
- Molded ornamental beeswax candles
- Decorated beehive box
- Pollinator garden display board – featuring your real-life garden
Managed honey bee colonies from Florida pollinate many local food crops like watermelon, blueberries and citrus, and are also shipped around the U.S. to pollinate crops like almonds. Florida beekeepers produce unique honey varietals from plants including gallberry, saw palmetto, and tupelo trees. Beekeepers also sell bee colonies, beeswax, and services like bee colony removal. Florida’s commercial beekeeping operations generate an estimated $90 million in revenue yearly.
Community partners supporting this new showcase include UF IFAS Extension, Kissimmee Valley Beekeepers Association, The Home Brew Store, 3Beez Honey Farm, and the Florida Native Plant Society-Pine Lily Chapter.
The deadline to register your items for the Showcase is January 26, 2025: SHOW RULES