4-H Record Books: Have fun and get them done!

It is time a great time of the year to buckle down and work on record book. Here are a few ways to gallop ahead and get stuff done.



Complete the goals section first. Think about what you want to accomplish throughout the year. Remember that they need to be S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely). Make sure to include the specific tasks you are going to in order to reach your goal.


Keep track of your expenses. The purpose of the financial summary is to track what you have spent or earned over your project year. Tracking expenses and income is important for any project. Some projects have more expenses than others.

Citizenship/Leadership, Presentations and Exhibits

Make sure you have done or planned out your presentations, exhibits, leadership and citizenship. Here are a few things to keep in mind.



Leadership is defined as any time when you teach or lead others. For example: camp counselor, club officer, show others how to groom an animal, Farm City Ambassador, etc.

Citizenship is anytime you have helped others. Did you help someone out? Did you donate something? Did you help the environment? For example: helping a friend build a hog pen, help pick-up litter in a pasture, and donate your old show shirt to a 4-H member?


A presentation is a demonstration or illustrated talk that was presented. All presentations should be at least three minutes in length and teach an audience about something. They can be given at club meetings, County Events and even at school.


An exhibit is where you display your project work. For example, a three-panel display board displayed at your school, a photograph of your project displayed at a local business. It does not need to be displayed at a fair or show. It can be displayed at a public location.


Complete a few activities. These take time, so plan ahead. Remember: An activity can also be a workshop or show. To prove participation in either, place the certificate in your book or fill out an activity form.


Remember to take pictures. You will need these at the end of your project. Keep in mind you will need to show a beginning, middle and an end.

Project Story

Jot down challenges you face, things you learn, and what was fun as you do your project. This information will be helpful when writing for the project story.

Have Fun!

Last, but not least have fun! 4-H projects are to help you learn more about something you enjoy.


Posted: December 4, 2018

Category: 4-H & Youth, Clubs & Volunteers
Tags: 4-H

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