Plants Improve Indoor Air Quality
July 23, 2021
Whether you are returning to an office building or establishing a home office, you may wonder about the quality of the air inside your space. Plants are nature’s air filter. They improve indoor air quality by converting CO2 (carbon dioxide) ... READ MORE
Category: AGRICULTURE, HOME LANDSCAPES, Horticulture, SFYL Hot Topic, WORK & LIFETags: Air Quality, Areca Palm, Arrowhead, Bamboo Palm, Chinese Evergreen, Clean Air, Dracaena, Dwarf Pigmy Date, English Ivy, Featured, Ficus Alii, Fresh Air, Gerber Daisy, Golden Pothos, House Plants, Indoor Air Quality, Indoor Plants, Interior Landscape, Interiorscape, Lady Palm, Mums, Peace Lily, Philodendron, Plant Friendly Environment, Rubber Plant, Snake Plant, Zz Plant