Variety selection is critical to achieving high yields, better crop quality, and pest resistance. Soil and environmental factors vary greatly in our country and even the Southeast region. This is why universities perform variety trials at numerous locations in the region.
Researchers at the UF/IFAS West Florida Research and Education Center (WFREC) in Jay, Florida, and other UF/IFAS Extension state specialists are working together to collect agronomic data such as yield, maturity date, test weight, height, and lodging to assist our growers in finding the best adapted crop cultivars for use in the Florida Panhandle. WFREC has recently released the summarized results of 2013 variety evaluations for Field Corn, Cotton, Peanuts, Soybeans, and Sweet Corn. A wheat variety trial is currently underway, and will be summarized later in the year.
Select the main link below to view access all of the variety test data, or the links that follow to view the specific test results that interest you.
2013 WFREC Crop Variety Tests:
- 20 varieties of cotton
- 17 varieties of field corn
- 13 peanut fungicide programs
- 13 varieties of soybeans
- 15 varieties of sweet corn