NOV. 5 dormitory groundbreaking celebrates gift, successes of first Black female entomology student at UF
October 27, 2022
WHAT: On November 5, the UF/IFAS Tropical Research and Education Center (TREC) will commemorate a milestone with a ceremonial groundbreaking of a facility named for the first Black female student in entomology at UF who became the first ... READ MORE
Category: Blog Community, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS ResearchTags: Department Of Entomology And Nematology, Entomologist, Graduate Student Housing, Homestead Mayor Steven Losner, J. Scott Angle, Kent Fuchs, Marsha McGriff, Miami-Dade County Commissioner Danielle Cohen Higgins, News, One Night In The Tropics, Pauline O. Lawrence, Professor Emeritus Pauline Lawrence, UF/IFAS Tropical Research And Education Center, Women's History Month