The University of Florida will hold its first Small Ruminant Short Course September 16 and17. The event is a collaboration among UF/IFAS Extension, the UF College of Veterinary Medicine, the UF/IFAS agronomy department, and the UF/IFAS department of animal sciences.
The first day of the program will be held at the Straughn Professional Development Center. The second day of the program will be held at the UF/IFAS Beef Teaching Unit South, and will culminate with the 2022 University of Florida Ram Test and Sale, which will start at 1 p.m.
Producers, Extension specialists, researchers, students and allied industry professionals are welcome to attend this in-person,

educational event. The program will include lectures on parasite control, herd health, marketing, management and more.
Susan Schoenian, sheep and goat specialist from the University of Maryland, will bring industry expertise as the featured speaker. Research updates will be provided by UF small ruminant faculty and staff.
Early bird registration prices will only last until September 1, so do not wait! Register for the event.
The program agenda and more information about the small ruminant short course can be found on the department of animal sciences website.
For questions regarding the event please contact Catalina Cabrera (352-394-4311, lcabrerarocha@ufl.edu), Izabella Toledo (352-294-6987, izatol@ufl.edu) or Matti Moyer (352-392-3889, matti.moyer@ufl.edu).