By Ellison Langford
Who: The University of Florida/IFAS Forest Entomology lab has collaborated with the Florida Museum of Natural History to display a unique global collection of large bark beetle engravings.
What: As bark beetles tunnel through wood, they create paths researchers can later study to learn more about their behavior and life cycles. This collection is the result of an art and science initiative by the UF School of Forest Resources and Conservation assistant professor Jiri Hulcr. It allows the spectator to enter a world of tiny insects capable of great damage and great art (visuals and details here: The installation features original three-dimensional insect art collected from around the world. The displays are accompanied by large-scale, high-resolution images of the tiny artists, and scientific interpretation of their private lives and significance to humans.
When: July 8, 2017 to June 2018
Where: Florida Museum of Natural History – Powell Hall
3215 Hull Rd, Gainesville, FL 32611
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