McLellan Named Chair of FDA Food Advisory Committee

Tom Nordlie (352) 392-0400

Mark McLellan, (352) 392-1784
Jimmy G. Cheek, (352) 392-1971

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GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Mark McLellan, dean for research and director of the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station at the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, has been named chair of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Food Advisory Committee, the nation’s top consultants for food issues.

The appointment became effective Feb. 21 and will continue through June 2008.

As chair, McLellan will lead a group of 17 scientists, consumer advocates and industry representatives consulted by the FDA for advice on complex or controversial issues.

“The FDA turns to the committee when it isn’t sure of the best path to take on something,” McLellan said. “My job is to guide the discussion among committee members so we can provide well thought-out guidance to FDA.”

Depending on the FDA’s needs, the committee may address topics ranging from basic food safety and product labeling to genetically modified foods, allergens and emerging pathogens, he said.

McLellan was selected for the position by FDA Commissioner Andrew von Eschenbach. Though not a current member of the committee, McLellan has led several large scientific organizations.

Before arriving at UF in July 2005, he was director of Texas A&M University’s Institute of Food Science and Engineering. He also served as director of Cornell University’s Institute of Food Science and president of the Institute of Food Technologists, a nonprofit scientific society with 28,000 members.

McLellan’s appointment is another indication of UF’s prominence among the nation’s leading universities, said Jimmy G. Cheek, senior vice president for agriculture and natural resources.

“By taking a leadership role with the FDA, Dr. McLellan will attract more attention to the University of Florida,” Cheek said. “Our faculty and administrators are excellent, and this appointment will pave the way for greater UF involvement in issues of national concern.”



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Posted: March 13, 2006

Category: UF/IFAS