Harold Browning To Coordinate Citrus Research And Education Programs For UF/IFAS

Chuck Woods (352) 392-1773 x 281

Harold Browning hwbr@crec.ifas.ufl.edu, 863-956-1151, ext. 1215
Mike Martin mvm@ifas.ufl.edu, 352-392-1971
Don Poucher info@ifas.ufl.edu, 352-392-0437

LAKE ALFRED, Fla.—A three-year pilot program to coordinate citrus programs in the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) will be led by Harold Browning, a professor and director of UF’s Citrus Research and Education Center at Lake Alfred. Browning’s appointment became effective March 1.

UF citrus programs in teaching, research and extension are conducted by personnel in campus departments and off-campus research and education centers as well as county extension offices throughout Florida.

“Coordinating UF/IFAS citrus programs will help us make the best use of our resources and personnel,” said Mike Martin, UF vice president for agriculture and natural resources. “It will help us be responsive to the Florida citrus industry’s needs.”

Martin said the pilot program in citrus may be extended to other commodities in the future.

One of the program’s objectives is to bring together personnel from UF, other research and regulatory agencies as well as the citrus industry to work on common goals. Browning will also serve as a point-of-contact for the Florida citrus industry to establish priorities for UF citrus research and education programs.

“Browning is well-qualified for this role,” said Norman Todd, a LaBelle citrus grower. “I think it will improve the effectiveness of UF/IFAS citrus programs.”

Browning said the pilot program will provide opportunities to bring together people with different areas of expertise to address citrus industry needs. He will improve communication between citrus interests and encourage those in the industry to provide input on priorities.

Browning joined the UF faculty in 1989 to lead a citrus entomology program prior to becoming director of the Lake Alfred center in 1996. The center is UF’s largest off-campus facility with 36 faculty members and more than 250 total employees, including the scientific staff of the Florida Department of Citrus.



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Posted: March 9, 2004

Category: UF/IFAS