Florida Citrus Treasures Cookbook Now Available

Jo Turner Jturner@mail.ifas.ufl.edu, 352-392-1778 ext. 228
Mary Harrison MNHarrison@mail.ifas.ufl.edu, 352-392-1868 ext. 243
Nayda Torres NITorres@ifas.ufl.edu, 352-392-1778 ext. 221

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GAINESVILLE, FLA.— From the tart to the flavorful to the sweet, the new Florida Citrus Treasures Cookbook offers consumers 250 heritage citrus recipes.

The 180-page spiral-bound book, fresh off the press at the University of Florida’s Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences, is packed with recipes and tips on freezing, pickling and canning.

“This is the third edition of a cookbook first published by the UF Extension Service back in 1940,” said Jo Turner, a professor in the family, youth and community sciences department in Gainesville.

“The latest edition which is ideal for holiday-season gift-giving includes heritage recipes from early settlers and favorites from extension faculty and friends,” said Turner. “The book offers many ways to prepare and preserve citrus, including up-to-date information on using blenders and microwave cooking.”

The latest edition also includes a nutritional analysis for each recipe, showing the calories and carbohydrates as well as the protein, fiber, saturated fat and cholesterol per serving.

The book is dedicated to Mary Harrison, a professor in the department whose career spans more than 40 years.

“Dedicating the cookbook to Mary Harrison was an easy decision,” said Nayda Torres, chair of the department. “Mary was the first family and consumer sciences specialist at UF, back in the days when our department was called home economics. She has always been the ‘go-to’ person for citrus selection and use. We wanted to acknowledge what she means to consumers and our department.”

Torres said proceeds from book will fund the Mary N. Harrison Distinguished Extension Professional and Enhancement Award. The annual award will recognize an outstanding county, district, or state extension family and consumer sciences faculty member. It includes a cash award and a stipend for extension enhancement.

The book is available for $15.00 plus applicable taxes and shipping charges from the IFAS-Extension Bookstore at UF in Gainesville. Order online at http://www.ifasbooks.com or via telephone at 1-800-226-1764. Visa and MasterCard are accepted. Quantity discounts are available.



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Posted: November 21, 2003

Category: UF/IFAS